At the order of the wedding Banquet more than on 30 thousand roubles smart number exactly for one days in a gift!
The restaurant «Court yard of the miller» is a part of a hotel complex "Atlantis" and represents a cozy corner with fine kitchen, a high degree of service and a magnificent interior. «The court yard of the miller» is an ideal place for carrying out of your wedding, birthday or any other your celebration. Celebrate significant event you can in a modern banquet room on 30 places, executed in classical style.
Or to plunge into atmosphere of an exemplary village with lake with goldfishes in the central hall of restaurant calculated on 80 places. And for the most exacting visitors we offer the romantic hall made in style of "tavern" of times «Three musketeers», filled with freedom, original design and democratic character! To your visitors to 50 persons in it it will be very convenient!!!